Archive for August 2020
New members… nau mai haere mai
New members… nau mai haere mai We are pleased to announce two of our newest TMBC members – Bay Conservation Alliance and Deep Dive Division. Deep Dive Division are a team passionate about marine biosecurity and protecting our harbour from invasive species through the monitoring and surveillance of vessels. Bay Conservation Alliance’s role is to…
Read MoreCalling all biosecurity champions: let’s get prepared!
We’re encouraging TMBC members to be trained to help protect our region If you haven’t done so already, we’re encouraging TMBC members to join our matrix of interested people who will be trained to help protect our region by supporting Biosecurity New Zealand-led response. It’s not just technical experts, everyone has a role to play…
Read MoreAn interview with… Michelle Elborn
(Photo) Michelle Elborn enjoying the outdoors. An interview with… Michelle Elborn This month we chat to the Michelle Elborn, CEO of our newest members Bay Conservation Alliance about their new Cadet Programme, their efforts to grow community conservation and why she fell in love with New Zealand twenty years ago. How does BCA go about…
Read MoreTMBC Partners Forum
First TMBC Partners Forum a success Thank you to everyone who joined us at the TMBC Partners Forum last month to witness the signing of our Memorandum of Understanding with Biosecurity New Zealand and hear about the government’s communications response to COVID-19 and an update on how our local economy has fared. For those of…
Read MorePea weevil eradication
(Photo) Image kindly supplied by Wairarapa Times-Age. Working together achieves pea weevil eradication There was jubilation in the Wairarapa last month at a morning tea to mark the successful eradication of the pea weevil, which threatened the country’s $130 million pea industry when first detected in early 2016. After an almost four-year ban on pea…
Read MoreJobs for Nature programme
Iwi-led projects get the green light as part of Jobs for Nature programme Two exciting iwi-led projects in the Bay of Plenty are among the first to be funded through the Government’s $1.3 billion Jobs for Nature programme, which aims to stimulate the economy while creating a lasting benefit for the natural environment. Rotorua’s Te…
Read MoreOne Billion Trees funding
(Photo) A view of the forest at Kaiate Falls. Bay of Plenty set to benefit from One Billion Trees funding The region’s biodiversity and water quality is set to receive a boost following Bay of Plenty Regional Council’s success in securing nearly $1.5 million funding under the One Billion Trees project. The Regional Council estimates…
Read MoreNew catfish control option to be investigated
(Photo) BOPRC are working with Te Arawa Lakes Trust and research agencies to manage the population of the Brown Bullhead Catfish. New catfish control option to be investigated The goal of eradicating Brown Bullhead Catfish in Lakes Rotoiti and Rotorua is being given another boost with investigation into a new biological control method. The partnership between Bay…
Read MoreBuilding an understanding of xylella fastidiosa
(Photo) Olive decline in Italy from 2013 to 2016. Photos courtesy of Dr Donato Boscia, IPSP (Institute for Sustainable Plant Protection), Bari, Italy. Building an understanding of Xylella fastidiosa Better Border Biosecurity (B3) has started work on a new five-year project looking at Xylella fastidiosa (Xf), and its New Zealand vectors. Xf is a serious invasive pathogen currently spreading…
Read MoreKVH’s Annual Update
KVH’s new annual update is out now! The latest KVH Annual Update has been published, outlining key activities over the last 12 months, including research and readiness projects in preparation for some of the biggest threats to kiwifruit, and the work that KVH is doing within the kiwifruit industry to increase awareness and commitment to…
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