Archive for June 2019
Ornamental pond survey
Ornamental pond survey in Maungatapu and Omokoroa searching for aquatic pests As part of the Bay of Plenty Regional Council’s role to actively search for new pests in the region, over 770 properties were checked in Maungatapu and Omokoroa earlier this year, looking for aquatic pests. To do this, contractors go door-to-door on private land…
Read MoreProtecting the region from Kauri dieback disease
Significant work to protect the region from Kauri dieback disease The Kaimai range, with access just 20 minutes away from Tauranga is highly susceptible to the soil bound pathogen, kauri dieback disease, that kills our naturally regenerating kauri trees. It is also one of the last kauri forests in New Zealand with no detectable signs…
Read MoreOverhaul of the Biosecurity Act 1993
Overhaul of the Biosecurity Act 1993: invitation to attend a workshop discussion MPI is leading a forward-looking and strategic overhaul of the Biosecurity Act 1993. This overhaul will focus on ensuring the regulatory settings are appropriate and the Act remains future focussed in light of emerging challenges and opportunities. Over the coming months, they will…
Read MoreNew Zealand Biosecurity Awards
The New Zealand Biosecurity Awards recognise and celebrate outstanding contributions to protecting our country Much of what we do to protect our biodiversity in New Zealand is through biosecurity activity – from trapping rats in backyards to washing and disinfecting footwear when visiting our kauri forests. The Awards acknowledge people and organisations across New Zealand…
Read MoreTMBC Partner Forum
Join us for the next TMBC Partner’s Forum… Tuesday 6 August Date: Tuesday 6 August Time: 3.30pm – 5.30pm Venue: Tauranga Yacht Club Light snacks and refreshments will be provided. The Partners Forums are a series of conversations with our biosecurity partners across Tauranga Moana and the wider region. Join us for networking and informal updates,…
Read MoreTMBC biosecurity response worksop
TMBC biosecurity response workshop starts important conversation Around 40 representatives from iwi, science, education, industry, research, council and government came together on Thursday 6 June to learn about how Biosecurity New Zealand manages responses and to discuss what role the Tauranga Moana Biosecurity Capital (TMBC) network could play in supporting a response. Participants learned from…
Read MoreSuccessful four-day marine biosecurity wānanga
Sharing indigenous knowledge and experiences on marine biosecurity Successful four-day marine biosecurity wānanga Indigenous people from Canada, Hawaii and Australia met at Hungahungatoroa Marae in Matapihi last month as part of a four-day noho (live-in) to discuss how we can be more prepared for the impending threats to our moana, people and culture. Organised by…
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