Archive for July 2019
TMBC supports stronger action to protect iconic kauri
TMBC supports stronger action to protect iconic kauri Many of our members were closely involved in consultation rounds in late 2018/early 2019 to find ways to ‘accelerate protection for kauri’. These resulted in a proposal to accelerate protection by establishing a National Kauri Dieback Pest Management Plan (NPMP) and new independent management agency to implement this. The independent lead and independent panel…
Read MoreJoin us at the next TMBC Partners Forum
Join us at the next TMBC Partners Forum You are invited to join us for the next Tauranga Moana Biosecurity Capital Partners Forum. These are a series of informal updates and networking opportunities for our biosecurity partners across the region. Date: Tuesday, August 6 Time: 3.30pm – 5.30pm Venue: Tauranga Yacht Club Light snacks and refreshments will be provided for…
Read MoreSentinel gardens raising biosecurity awareness at schools
Sentinel gardens raising biosecurity awareness at schools Under the TMBC umbrella, we have a unique project called the Sentinel Gardens – raising biosecurity awareness at schools and also assisting with surveillance for biosecurity threats. There are currently two gardens in place at St Thomas More and St Marys School, where the students monitor a variety of plants every day for any unwanted…
Read MoreBiosecurity Act Overhaul – register now to have your say
Biosecurity Act overhaul – register now to have your say You’re invited to get involved in the overhaul of the Biosecurity Act 1993, by attending the workshop on Friday 2 August (venue tbc), 9.30am – 4.30pm. MPI is leading a forward-looking and strategic overhaul of the Biosecurity Act 1993. This overhaul will focus on ensuring the regulatory settings are appropriate and the Act…
Read MoreAn interview with… Waiaria Rameka (Ngati Tuwharetoa, Ngati Raukawa)
An interview with… Waiaria Rameka (Ngati Tuwharetoa, Ngati Raukawa) This month we chat to Waiaria Rameka, Administration Extraordinaire at Manaaki Te Awanui, (Tauranga’s Māori environmental research agency) about giving a voice to Māori knowledge and why it’s important for children to build a strong connection to Taiao (the natural world, environment). What’s led you to get involved in biosecurity and environmental related kaupapa?…
Read MoreSpread of pests and weeds by heavy machinery posing high risk
Spread of pests and weeds by heavy machinery posing high risk The spread of pests and weeds by vehicles, machinery and equipment poses a persistently high risk, with at least 80 pest species known to be typically moved by machinery. Small fragments of unwanted vegetation are easily spread by contaminated equipment and excavation machinery. Transportation of root, stem, seed and crown fragments propagate quickly once…
Read MoreOn-orchard biosecurity boosted
On-orchard biosecurity boosted Kiwifruit growers are strengthening their biosecurity plans through a new guide from KVH. The 5 step on-orchard biosecurity guidelines are the first of their kind for the industry and are a set of measures designed to protect a property from the entry and spread of pests and diseases. KVH has developed the best practice guidelines to help growers identify biosecurity…
Read MorePredator Free Bay of Plenty’s backyard trapping programme
Predator Free Bay of Plenty’s backyard trapping programme exceeding expectations Predator Free Bay of Plenty is a community-led, backyard trapping initiative that aims to bring native birds, insects and lizards back to our suburbs and unite our backyard efforts to the National Predator Free 2050 movement. With a goal to get a rat trap operating in one in every five backyards…
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