Archive for April 2020
Port of Tauranga prioritises essential imports
Port of Tauranga prioritises essential imports Port of Tauranga has announced new measures to prioritise urgent imported cargo during the national lockdown. The measures allow importers to identify imported cargo required for essential services before it arrives in New Zealand so that it can be handled and transported first. “We take our role as an essential service very seriously and our focus is to ensure…
Read MoreBiosecurity resources for kids at home
Biosecurity resources for kids at home Passionate about inspiring young New Zealander’s interest in science through tangible resources, TMBC members House of Science have some fantstic biosecurity and nature resources that may be of interest: QuestaGame – the world’s first game where players help save life on Earth. Young Ocean Explorers – a truly interactive video series about the sea and its wildlife,…
Read MoreSpot the Spotted Lanternfly
(Photo) Colin Purrington, nature photographer. Spot the Spotted Lanternfly There are four Spotted Lanternfly egg masses on this tree – can you spot them all? It isn’t easy and goes to show how important it is to be on the lookout for this pest and it’s eggs because the sooner we find out about it’s possible presence, the more we can do…
Read MorePositive signs and ongoing challenges for Zespri’s first shipments
(Above) The Baltic Pearl leaving Tauranga harbour with the first shipment of kiwifruit. Positive signs and ongoing challenges for Zespri’s first shipments Less than two weeks ago, the first of a planned 47 charter vessels carrying new season Zespri Kiwifruit to offshore consumers left Tauranga Harbour bound for Japan. Since then the first ship to China has also departed. Click here for the full story.
Read MoreAn interview wth… James Trevelyan
(Top) The packline at Trevelyans with the 2 metre rule in place; (Above) Daily temperatures being taken as staff arrive for work. An interview wth… James Trevelyan As the largest single-site kiwifruit packing operation in New Zealand, TMBC members Trevelyan’s are an essential part of the food production chain and are expected to continue operations during Alert Level 4. We caught up…
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