Iwi-led projects get the green light as part of Jobs for Nature programme
Two exciting iwi-led projects in the Bay of Plenty are among the first to be funded through the Government’s $1.3 billion Jobs for Nature programme, which aims to stimulate the economy while creating a lasting benefit for the natural environment.
Rotorua’s Te Arawa Lakes Trust is embarking on an ambitious environmental programme– Mauri Tu Mauri Ora Te Arawa – that will create 40 nature-based jobs for those impacted by Covid-19, particularly in the tourism, hospitality and services sectors.
$2.5 million is being invested in the project to restore wetlands, control catfish and aquatic weeds, eradicate pests and monitor water takes and discharges, and carry out beehive management.
Jobs for Nature is also backing a Ngāti Awa-led project to protect important brown kiwi habitat around Whakatāne, and remove possums from the area between the Whakatāne River, Ōhope beach, and the Ōhiwa harbour.
The Department of Conservation is working closely with iwi on these projects, as well as collaborating with local and central government agencies.
Projects are being rolled out throughout the country. Click here for more information.
Information for job seekers can be found here.