Strengthening preparedness together - join us for a biosecurity incursion workshop

Don’t miss this opportunity to immerse yourself in some realistic, hypothetical biosecurity incursion scenarios that will enhance your understanding of biosecurity threats, their impacts and give you practical insights to support developing effective risk management strategies.
Led by one of Aotearoa’s most experienced Emergency Managers, Gerard Moore, this interactive workshop is designed to increase your awareness, learn how to be better prepared and proactive in protecting the region we love from invasive pests, weeds and diseases.
In keeping with TMBC’s vision to lead and take collaborative action towards biosecurity excellence in Tauranga Moana, this event aims to further TMBC’s collective commitment to biosecurity readiness and response. It is an invaluable opportunity to develop and refine your biosecurity risk management strategies, benefit from the expertise of seasoned professionals and collaborate with peers to share experiences and learnings. The workshop is suitable for all levels within an organisation.
Spaces are limited so early registration is encouraged to secure your spot(registrations close 4th June). The TMBC hosted workshop is free to attend but we do ask if you are unable to attend, you let us know at least 72 hours beforehand. As a grass roots, non-profit organisation, TMBC is supported by funding partners which enable us to offer these workshops at no cost. But if you register to attend and you don’t advise if you have to cancel, we incur costs, and your spot could have gone to someone on the waiting list. We ask for your consideration so we can keep these valuable workshops accessible .
Tuesday 11th
June 2024
10am - 3pm
a light lunch will be provided
Club Mt Maunganui, 45-47 Kawaka Street, Mount Maunganui 3116
Free to attend
It takes all of us to protect our region from pests and diseases.
This hunt is brought to you by Tauranga Moana Biosecurity Capital Incorporated (TMBC), developing our next generation of biosecurity champions!
Thank you to all our TMBC funding partners for making this possible.
Join TMBC to strengthen NZ’s biosecurity team of 4.7 million – that’s all of us!