Join us Join us today Please complete the form to become a (new or returning) funding partner for Tauranga Moana Biosecurity Capital. Full NameCompany NameTitle/RolePersonal MembershipCompany MembershipPostal AddressApartment, suite, etcCityZIP / Postal CodePhysical AddressApartment, suite, etcCityZIP / Postal CodeRegionPhoneWebsiteEmail AddressI consent to be included as the key contact on the members database.I consentWhich of the following activities does your business undertake? if you are joining as a personal membership - please go to the next questionCentral or Local Government bodyDomestic retailDomestic transportExporting goods by airExporting goods by seaGrower/farmer in horticulture or live animal industriesImporting goods by airImporting goods by seaImporting goods by mailInternational freight forwarderInternational goods transportInternational travelMāori/Iwi businessMembership organisationNon-primary sector goods manufacturingNon-profit or charitable bodyPort of first entryPrimary sector manufacturingResearch organisationsService provision to the business sector (e.g. insurance/finance/consultancy)Transitional facilityOtherOther (please specify)How did you hear about TMBCFrom another memberThrough my membership organisationAt an industry event, forum, conference or training programmeGeneral online searching or social channelsNewsletterInformation provided by Biosecurity New Zealand (Ministry for Primary Industries)Other (please specify)How did you hear about us - other?Organisation logo - please uploadDrag and Drop (or) Choose FilesOrganisation logo design specsConsent AgreementI confirm on behalf of the applicant: That I am the authorised representative of the organisation making this application and that I have the necessary approval to make this application for membership, that I have read the Rules of TMBC Incorporated and that, upon registration as a MemberI confirmAre your details different to the key contact?YesNoPlease add detailsNameTitle/roleEmail AddressFinal Consent information: Consents to being a member of the Tauranga Moana Biosecurity Incorporated. Acknowledges that our commitment and membership may be promoted through the society’s marketing and media channels. Consents to the use of our organisation’s logo by the Tauranga Moana Biosecurity Incorporated on its website and in the society’s marketing and media channels. The Tauranga Moana Biosecurity Incorporated will collect personal information (such as name, email address, address for the purposes of facilitating your participation in the society’s endeavours and programme of activities. I/We are committed to ‘leading and taking collaborative action towards biosecurity excellence’ as members of Tauranga Moana Biosecurity Capital (TMBC). Biosecurity is important to everything I/we love about Tauranga Moana - our people, our culture, our local industries, economy, businesses and jobs, our forests, our waterways, our moana. Biosecurity is fundamental to the Māori cultural economy and who we are – our whakapapa, our whanaungatanga, and mana taiao (our connection to, and role as kaitiaki for, our environment). 2/We recognise pests and diseases can devastate our region and that it takes a community to successfully tackle biosecurity threats – that we all need to be vigilant and play our part, whether that’s in our ngahere, at the Port, in our orchards and farms, in our back yard, or out on the water.We have read the TMBC Constitution As members of TMBC I/we are committed to working together to achieve biosecurity excellence. I/We are joining forces to: Grow biosecurity awareness and social license, including running joint campaigns Build visibility of great things happening and promoting initiatives/events Advocate for better biosecurity for our region Catalyse action – people getting involved Collaborate to achieve better results, sharing information and lessons Seize opportunities that will grow the regional team committed to biosecurity excellenceThis is our Tauranga moana so let’s protect it together. I consent to the aboveIf you have any queries about the Tauranga Moana Biosecurity Capital Incorporated, please get in touch with Send Message Join TMBC to strengthen NZ’s biosecurity team of 4.7 million – that’s all of us! HELP NOW