Tauranga Moana Biosecurity Capital Incorporated

Tauranga Moana Biosecurity Capital Incorporated (TMBC) is a collaboration that has its roots in a collective effort to “build a biosecurity team of 5 million New Zealanders” - to shift how we, as New Zealanders, think about biosecurity, how it connects to our everyday lives, and how people can get involved.

The collaboration has a goal of improving the biosecurity situation in Tauranga Moana and the wider Bay of Plenty by engaging with and empowering action to quickly identify new risks or manage existing, from the local community, industry, mana whenua, and individuals.

TMBC brings together a “coalition of the willing” and establishes Tauranga Moana mana whenua at the centre of our regional biosecurity team, in a broad collaboration between Māori, community groups, industry, businesses, agencies, educators, scientists and others striving to achieve biosecurity excellence.

Anyone with a genuine interest in biosecurity is welcome to join TMBC as a general member, free of charge.

By becoming a member, you / your organisation stands squarely behind our mission to lead and take collaborative action towards biosecurity excellence.

General TMBC General Membership (free)

  • Demonstrates commitment to leading and taking collaborative action towards biosecurity excellence
  • Provides access to a range of events to build our network and biosecurity capability
  • Can be an individual or an organisation
  • Note: Please confirm that senior management approval has been given for your organisation to join TMBC


Confirming your membership is simple, please fill in our membership form here

Join TMBC to strengthen NZ’s biosecurity team of 5 million – that’s all of us!