If you spend a lot of time in, on or around the ocean, you could help protect our marine environment from the harmful impacts of introduced marine pests. If you’ve ever wondered what marine pest species threaten our local waters, you will find this workshop very useful.
NIWA and Biosecurity NZ (MPI) offer a FREE training session to help you recognise marine pests in the region and play a valuable role in marine biosecurity. The session will include both theory and practical hands-on training.
WHEN: Thursday 1 December 2022 – 10 am – 3 pm
WHERE: The Yacht Club, Tauranga Yacht and Motor Boat Club
90 Keith Allen Drive, Sulphur Point, Tauranga
Lunch and refreshments will be provided.
Contact: Dave.Pickering@boprc.govt.nz to RSVP by 25 November 2022