The Biological Heritage National Science Challenge and Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research recently appointed Shaun Ogilvie as the Kaihautū Ngātahi, Co-Director-Māori, for the Challenge.
Shaun is taking on this role as part of his appointment as Professor of Ecology and the Environment at the Ngāi Tahu Research Centre, University of Canterbury.
Shaun takes over from Melanie Mark-Shadbolt, who has been acknowledged and recognised for the exceptional leadership as she stepped down from the role last month.
Professor Shaun Ogilvie, Te Arawa (Ngāti Whakahemo) and Ngāti Awa (Ngāti Pukeko), has a PhD in Ecology from the University of Canterbury and is the Director of Eco Research Associates Ltd, a private environmental research company.
Shaun currently co-leads the Challenge’s Strategic Outcome 5 – Supporting Predator Free 2050, and has been a leader in the Challenge for many years, including more recently as an active member of the Māori Leadership Rōpū, Te Aho Mātauranga.
Shaun is also a Māori Business Development Consultant for the Cawthron Institute in Nelson and has been or currently is a contractor to many other organisations, including Lincoln University, Waikato University, Wool Industry Research Ltd, The Environmental Protection Authority, and Scion.
Shaun leads Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga’s Electoral College, Te Tira Takimano, and has been a Principal Investigator on many research projects.