TMBC Supports Potential Northland Collaboration

Last month, TMBC’s Co-Chairs attended a biosecurity wānanga at Waitangi for a two-day kōrero bringing together hapū and planting the seed for a regional biosecurity collaboration initiative in Northland.  

Over 80 people attended including hapū from across Ipipiri (Bay of Islands), businesses, government agencies and community groups to share thoughts on the theme of ‘Te Mauri o te Taiao – mahi tahi / working together in biosecurity to protect our region’. 

TMBC Co-Chairs Graeme Marshall and Carlton Bidois acknowledged Patukeha and Ngāti Kuta hapū from Rawhiti who hosted the wānanga, supported by Biosecurity New Zealand.  

“It would be fantastic to establish a regional collaboration in Northland, with mana whenua at the centre to further protect their region from pests and diseases and we look forward to supporting that in whatever way we can.”