Tuesday 30 August
8.30am – 4.30pm
Trustpower Baypark Arena
Registrations are open for the fourth annual Tauranga Moana Biosecurity Excellence Symposium. The theme this year is ‘Biosecurity Reset: working together to strengthen the system’.
We’ll be hearing from a range of speakers including Stuart Anderson (Deputy Director General, Biosecurity New Zealand), Rob McGowan (Pa Ropata, Rongoā Māori Practitioner) and Dr Melanie Mark-Shadbolt (Co Founder and Trustee, Te Tira Whakamātaki).
We’ll also be hearing from two keynote speakers:
- Dr Cath Duthie (Readiness Group Manager, Biosecurity New Zealand): Foot and Mouth Disease – are we ready for Aotearoa’s biggest biosecurity risk?
- Nicola Toki (CE, Forest & Bird): Advocating for Nature – our unique opportunity for strengthening protection measures for our environment.
More information about the programme will be available soon.
Register now to secure your place at this free event by emailing Lisa@tmbiosecurity.co.nz.