$1.78 trillion. That’s the staggering figure of how much invasive species have cost the world, at the absolute minimum, since 1970. Experts say this cost – and the associated costs of managing and responding to such threats – are rising rapidly.
The team at KVH heard this fact while listening to a biosecurity podcast on Radio New Zealand about the effects of Kauri Dieback Disease, an invasive which is infecting and killing thousands of trees in Auckland and Northland.
The disease hasn’t been found in kauri in the Bay of Plenty and we want to keep it that way.
Being a soil-borne pathogen, stopping the spread (potentially unknown) is aided by very similar best practices that KVH asks of kiwifruit growers and visitors to orchards.
If you’re out in the region’s forests, remember to ‘scrub, spray, and stay’ (clean off footwear, use disinfectant, stay on track).
Watch the video below to learn how: