KVH and Onside are working together to make it easier for growers to keep records for plant material movements.
This makes meeting the requirements of KVH’s new Pathway Plan simple and ensures that growers meet requirements under GAP. It also improves KVH’s ability to quickly and accurately trace movements should we be faced with an incursion.
They are currently working together to develop a technology-based plant pathway mapping system that will make keeping traceability records easier for the industry.
This feature will be available to all users of the Onside app within coming weeks, in addition to the existing features already available, so that all orchard visitors can use the tool to record plant movements, if they choose to. If you’re keen to join the trial, KVH is keen to hear from you. (info@kvh.org.nz)
While it is mandatory under the Pathway Plan to record plant material movements in and out of orchards, it will not be mandatory to use Onside to record this. Growers can use whatever system they choose to create and store these records (provided records are accurate and up to date). This project provides a simple, free and effective option for doing so.