Kauri Dieback and Myrtle Rust will not be the last pathogens that come to our shores. Fruit fly incursions are occurring with increasing frequency, and garden escapee plants continue to jump the fence and multiply every year.
The Bay of Plenty Regional Council, New to Region (NTR) surveillance program’s primary objective is to detect new pests as early as possible when the chances of successful eradication is at its highest. The current focus of the new plan is to survey for new terrestrial plants, while other potential reptile, insect, or pathogen sightings not already included in the program will be passed on to MPI.
Active surveillance programs undertaken will target high risk sites such as roadsides, green waste sites, illegal dumping locations and public reserves. The reporting of suspect sightings by the public and other key stakeholders is potentially even more effective – building on the ‘team of 5 million’ philosophy. The power of citizen science should never be underestimated.
Early detection is vital, and therefore if something looks out of place, is exhibiting weedy, pesty or invasive characteristics and is spreading or naturalising, please contact Garrick McCarthy at BOPRC Biosecurity on 0800 884 881 ext 8344 or 027 290 4506.